Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More Patience Required....

JG has discovered that he can get to where his is going much faster now if he runs. This of course means that there are also more opportunities for bumps and bruises. On Saturday JG took a spill on the concrete front landing of our house in his excitement to get out the door for gym class. Thus, JG is now sporting a scratch near his right temple down towards his eye lid.

He's been quite a trooper about his recent spills though. Despite the occasional scratch and bruise his main response is a disappointed "Oh No!" It's hard not to smile in spite of myself (It's just so darn cute when he says it!). DH says we should record JG using this phrase for posterity sake. I agree it would be a sweet memory if only our poor kid didn't have to hurt himself in order to say it! Regardless of how it came about; I am also happy to finally hear JG's use of the "N" consonant which up until now I have not heard him use! I am hoping that this might be a positive sign towards JG developing a broader vocabulary so that it will be easier for him to communicate.

I am patiently waiting for the "Encouraging First Words" workshop that DH and I are scheduled to attend on July 9th. I also received a call from an audiologist and JG is now scheduled for a hearing test on August 10th. I personally feel that JG's hearing is just fine but, it certainly doesn't hurt to get it checked.

I've realized that patience is a virtue I need to work on right now more then ever. If there is one thing that running after a toddler has taught me; it's that you can never have enough patience. JG loves to play the "chase me" game right now. So getting him to cooperate with diaper changes, getting dressed and even story time can result in frustration if I don't keep my impatience in check! Even during today's casual neighbourhood walk I found myself frustrated as JG played a stubborn game of walking a couple steps and then proceeding to sit down until I picked him up! Then after setting him down on his feet again we would repeat this process over and over again. JG was laughing a giggling and I was aggravated at my repeated attempts to keep him moving. What disappointed me the most was my response. I didn't know how to handle this newest defiance of my authority. It was just meant to be a casual walk in the sunshine. Something that JG and I usually find calming, relaxing and fun. I have now decided that our future walks will be accompanied by an umbrella stroller (at least for a little while) to prevent my impatience from getting the best of me!

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