Friday, June 5, 2009

Under The Weather....

It has been nearly a week since my last post. JG had a cold on Tuesday and as per usual I caught it too! JG seems to have reovered quickly but, I have never seemed able to fight off cold and flu bugs easily. I was down for the count yesterday and althogh I dispise using television as a distraction I really enjoyed the extra cuddle and quiet time it allowed JG and I to have while we tried to recover yesterday.

One of my favorite children's authors is Karma Wilson and I particularly enjoy the "Bear" series of books she has done with illustrator Jane Chapman. The charming illustrations coupled with an enduring, child-friendly rhyming cadence makes these books popular with children of all ages. "Bear Feels Sick" is a perfect story to read when you or your kids are feeling under the weather.

Our recent weather also seems to be in agreement with our down-trodden mood these last couple of days. Windy, rainy and chilly would be the best words to describe the weather. At least I haven't needed to water the flowers I just planted in the front garden over the weekend.

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