Saturday, May 9, 2009

Block Play

JG seems to have a renewed interest in blocks the last couple of weeks. For his first birthday JG received Mega Block sets from a few different familly members and friends. We combined all the sets into a large, clear, plastic box to make the blocks more accessible and easier to cleanup.

Unti just recently block play usually involved significant adult participation. Most of our block play invloved Mom or Dad building a tower and then JG knocking them over or taking the blocks apart. JG would occassonally add a block here or there but then he would quickly lose interest.

Over the past couple weeks we have observed JG purposely going to the block box to create his own small materpieces. JG is starting to build his own towers and he has begun to recognize that some of the blocks are the same shape and size so they fit together more easily. JG`s fine motor skills are also improving with his increased block play. Hopefully this will help JG master other activities requiring fine motor skills such as self-feeding and colouring.

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