Friday, May 22, 2009

Just a Game of Bear Hugs

What a tough little guy we have! JG had his 18 month immunizations done yesterday and the only wet eyes in the room were mine (no tears but, they were watering pretty good). JG did give the nurse quite the evil look after the second needle (not that I can blame him) but, overall he was fantastic.

I suppose that after the countless falls (from learning to walk at 10 months) and the usual bumps and bruises experienced by most toddlers his age; JG would certainly be strong enough to withstand a couple pricks with a needle. But, as a mother I am truly grateful that JG's next set of immunizations will not need to be done until he starts school. Like most people, I am certainly not a fan of needles and I have not enjoyed watching my child being pricked with them either (even if they are necessary). Thankfully, I have always been able to arrange JG's immunization appointments so that DH could be there to hold JG steady.

With a son that is so much bigger and taller then many of his peers JG has a tendency to be overly affectionate (to the point of being aggressive) that often intimidates and scares his less energetic playmates. Recently, I have asked DH to try and be less rambunctious when playing with JG because although our son loves to roughhouse play with his Dad; I think that it is important that JG learn to be more gentle. I have certainly experienced enough of JG's "body-slam bear hugs" to know that our methods for teaching gentler behaviour could use some improvement.

JG loves to be around other children and he loves babies. He also loves dogs, birds and other pets. However, in his excitement, JG tends to invade the "personal space" of both the children and animals he is so intent on getting to know.

I don't think JG intends to hurt anyone and his aggression does not stem from anger or frustration. I think that JG just doesn't know his own strength and that his well-intentioned "bear hugs" and "love pats" have turned into a game. Unfortunately he doesn't realize that his acts of affection are becoming less and less gentle as he becomes older and stronger. I don't want to discorage JG from being the friendly, loving toddler that he is; I just would like to help him tone it down a little.

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