Thursday, May 28, 2009

Learning Language

JG's development is right where it should be for both his gross and fine motor skills but, he is lacking in language skills; which has had me concerned over the last couple months. Although JG's pediatrician has assured us "not to worry" I am still determined to help JG reach these pivotal language milestones in any way we can. At his recent immunization appointment we were given a referral for a speech and language assessment. I contacted the assessment office today and as per their advice DH and I are now scheduled for an "Encouraging First Words" workshop on July 9th to get things started.

On Tuesday I visited with a friend who has a beautiful son approximately one year older then JG and a very happy 6 month old son who is an absolute joy. Her 2 1/2 year old has an excellent vocabulary. The 6 month old is already babbling and cooing. It won't surprise me if he will be an early talker as well. The youngest of the two was delighted to hear rhymes and songs. He was very observant regardless of whether he was lying in a swing or laying on the floor. Watching intently at the hand actions to "Insy Weensy Spider" and excited at hearing the alphabet song and numerous other tunes.

I've had many friends ask me if I "miss that age" and although I desperately want to say "yes" without hesitation; I can't. JG was a puker from the first day of his arrival. Not just plain spit up or an occasional bout of upset stomach. But, full out projectile vomit! We tried everything (breast milk, several different formulas and eventually medication (Prevacid twice per day). Even the soy based formula and medication didn't prevent the continual regurgitation we dealt with on a daily basis. JG hated swings and was usually not even happy lying on the floor. I don't recall a single day from his first eight months where JG's clothes or my shirt remained clean for more then a few hours. It was overwhelming!

JG has been read to at least twice per day since birth. We certainly sing our fair share of lullabies and songs and we do have an assortment of board books, puzzles and flashcards. However, because of JG's sensitive digestive system I don't know that we were able to play the fun action songs ("This Little Piggy", "Insy Weensy Spider", "Round and Round the Garden", etc) that most infants are exposed to. JG was often to busy trying to keep the contents of his stomach down. Observing the speech of adults was the least of his concerns. I feel somewhat guilty and I can't help but blame myself; wondering if perhaps I am at fault for JG's language delay.

Now as a toddler JG's digestion has vastly improved. The problem is, that like most toddlers, JG is not interested in staying still long enough to observe the mouth formations of the people around him. JG wants to dance, move, slide and run! So, what's a parent to do?

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