Friday, July 3, 2009

Ready to Sell Just in Time!

RP and LP came to visit with JG today and to inspect our house before we put it on the market. JG loved the hour he was able to spend with RP. RP took JG for a walk down the block to see the trains and he loved the extra attention. I was releaved that there are only a couple minor things we need to do before we sell (like cutting back a few tree branches)....We will hopefully have a Sale sign in the ground by Tuesday!

Another pleasant surprise occured first thing this morning. We're now expecting our second child according to the digital pregnancy test. Looks like we're preparing to sell and increase our living space just in time! I was due to start my cycle on June 28th and on the evening of June 26th I experienced some spotting. Only a day and a half earlier then expected so, I thought it was just a regular cycle. It's not the first time that I have started a day or two early and I usually start with light spotting prior to my cycle anyway; but, by June 29th I was done! I let it go for a few days but, by July 2nd I was more than just curious about what was going on. I also stopped in at my Weight Watchers meeting on the 2nd and was disappointed for the second week in a row that I have neither gained nor, lost a single ounce.

I could have taken the test when I got home that evening but, I decided to wait until this morning to perform the test when HCG levels are higher. I am certainly happy that there are now digital tests avaiable. Not that the non-digital ones are less accurate. It's just that the digital ones are so much easier to read and understand.

If my calculations are correct we should be welcoming our new arrival sometime within the first week of March. Hopefully we will be able to move and get JG settled into a new house sooner then later. A big boy bed and potty-training are just around the corner and now we will need to help JG prepare and adjust to a new sibling...It's gonna be quite the year!

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