Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Worthwhile Milestone!

JG learned to drink from a straw today....A small milestone perhaps and certainly one that I have witnessed younger children master but, I was overjoyed. With a little more practice we may actually be able to convince JG to forgo the sippy cup in favour of a straw....I am also hoping that it will help him with drinking from a cup. I have witnessed a vast improvement over the last several weeks but, it will still be some time before I will hand him a regular cup to drink from unsupervised. The ability to drink from a cup and straw were also mentioned in the "Encouraging First Words" workshop that DH and I attended last week. The ability to "drink" from a cup is believed to be connected to improved speech development. Definitely a worthwhile milestone.

I have been experiencing some brown to light-pink spotting (only when I wipe) since Tuesday afternoon (four days ago). The ultrasound on Thursday however, indicated that a healthy, developing gestational sack (approx. 6 weeks along) was visible. This reassurance was certainly worth the discomfort I experienced from the internal ultrasound. I'm still worried but, today the spotting seems to have nearly disappeared so, I am praying that this is a sign that everything is okay. I have an obstetrics appointment scheduled for next Thursday so, I am hoping that I will have a stronger certainty of where things are at once I speak with my doctor.

We're having tornado like weather this evening. It was hot day today (+33C) but, now the winds have picked up and the lightning storm outside our window is phenomenal. We have not experienced a Tornado directly in our city for over 20 years but, I would not be surprised in the least if one touched down tonight. I just pray that it isn't in our neck of the woods and that we don't have any damages to repair in the morning. Besides, I'm not looking forward to hunkering down in our dirt crawl space for the night...I'd almost rather fly to Oz!

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